Sporting bounce back after COVID-19

Many grassroots team sports in the UK have now returned after the COVID-19 pandemic albeit with many adjustments in place. This is because all teams, clubs and leagues have had to adapt their practices in light of the ‘detailed safety plans’ their Sports Governing Body had to submit to the government before they could go ahead.

How have recreational sports had to adapt to the new rules?*

Social distancing

  • All participants and supporters can attend matches in small groups.
  • Different households can train together but must adhere to social distancing rules.
  • Avoid huddles and physical contact and use of equipment must be minimal.
  • Only groups limited to six people can be together in sports hospitality facilities.

Player’s welfare

  • Organisers need to register and collect spectator and players details to enable a track and trace system.
  • If anybody has COVID-19 symptoms they must not train, participate or spectate.

Transport and logistics

  • Players should walk or cycle to matches and avoid using public transport or car-sharing.
  • Use staggered arrivals and departures where possible and a one-way system must be in operation, using barriers and signs. 


  • Encourage frequent handwashing and provide hand sanitisers.
  • Open club toilets with regular cleaning rotas and must be shut half an hour after the game. 
  • Cashless and online payment transactions as a preferred method of payment to reduce contact.

If you are involved in grassroots sports at any level you can check out the UK Government Guidance.

There is more detailed information about how recreational sports must prepare returning after COVID-19 on the Government website.

Remember team sports are essential for the health of the nation. Living with a few extra conditions is nothing compared to the days of lock-down when we were all limited to an hour a day’s exercise. Happy sporting!

*The adaptions proposed in this blog are liable to change as the Government reviews the situation regularly.

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